electric cargo bike

Soci-Com asked TSG Essempio for help in design, development and industrialization of its electric pedal supported cargo bike. is part of the Soci-Com Holding. Soci-Com's mission is to help as many people as possible who are struggling to find a job. is assembled exclusively at Soci-Com.

With the assembly of, people who need more than average support to get paid work get the chance to reintegrate into society and be trained in the e-bike world. With the aim of a nice job in the bicycle industry.

Development of electric cargo bike

Soci-Com has asked TSG Group for help with the product development of the new cargo bike with pedal assistance.

Various concepts for the distinctive bin have been designed with the core values of fair, sustainable and social as a starting point.

The end result is a beautiful design that is safe, beautiful and practical. The two slightly angled front wheels offer more stability and safety than two-wheel cargo bikes. Thanks to the front door, loading and unloading is even easier than with a car.

Socibike handschets ontwerp
Socibike ontwikkeld door TSG Essempio

Spacious and practical design

The final design offers space for small children and luggage. The bike has optional accessories such as a rain cover, bucket cover and can be adapted for commercial applications.

The final assembly takes place at Soci-Com, a social enterprise that helps disadvantaged people on their way back to the labor market.

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