TSG Essempio has developed the SprayMaster for PPG. A revolutionary, portable paint spraying system, especially for spraying outdoor woodwork. Light and easy to use with a backpack.
PPG Industries is a global supplier of paints, coatings, chemicals, optical products, specialty materials, glass and fiberglass. It is mainly known in Belgium and the Netherlands for the Sigma and Histor brands.
The company was founded in 1883 as the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company but changed its name to PPG Industries in 1968 as the company operated internationally and produced much more than glass.

TSG Essempio has developed the SprayMaster for PPG. A revolutionary, portable paint spraying system, especially for spraying outdoor woodwork. Light and easy to use with a backpack.
The extremely low machine pressure in combination with the precision nozzle of the spray gun, which was developed for the machine, ensures little overspray and enables very close spraying to an object, resulting in an even better finish.

TSG Essempio has been involved in the development of the SprayMaster from the very beginning. From the very first idea sketch, to the visualization of a variety of design, to a full developed 3D model, to prototype and realization.
TSG Essempio also took care of the entire industrial design and engineering, made photo-realistic product visualizations of the SprayMaster and the paint packaging and interactive animations for marketing.
In addition, TSG Group took care of the entire production of the first series of SprayMasters in its own workshop. So this project was literally Total Support from the first idea to production!